About entrepreneurship

Photography lover. Urbanature’s drummer. Bluebelt in BJJ. Surfer and Bodyboarder. Above all, a true technology  and entrepreneurship enthusiast.


Addicted to challenges from an early age, Francisco opened his first company at age 24, fulfilling the goal he had since he was a child. Fascinated by consoles and computers, grew thirsty for technological knowledge, motivated by the communication potential computers promised when he began establishing connections to BBS in his native hometown- Fafe. At that time, few believed that in the future we would all be permanently linked through a global network: the Internet. Today it is a fact.


At the end of the 1990s, he took the first steps towards creating a startup, resulting in the foundation of Urbanature Multimedia alongside João Silva, Luís Madureira and Nuno Camacho. At this time, Francisco participates in his first web projects, confirming that his habitat would be the digital environment. The four partners create, Portugal’s first large national student portal, a project that captured the attention of Microsoft, who supported Urbanature in its seed phase.


Francisco founded Zalox in 2003 with the aim of being the driving force that would correct what he considered to be wrong in the way projects were developed for the web. Today, Zalox helps companies in their journey through the digital world and prepares managers.


As ZALOX’s CEO, he strives daily to build with his team the culture he has always dreamed of having in his work environment. The importance he attributes to Communication and Image dates back to the years in which he worked as a photojournalist in important journals, namely JN, Comércio do Porto and Primeiro de Janeiro.


This page brings together the know-how acquired in the last decades, addressing topics such as management, productivity, organization and company culture. Absorbed by technology, Francisco processes information relentlessly and jumps from idea to idea constantly, following the evolution of Digital. The path to the present motivates him to keep his eyes on the future.