Anti vírus Panda colapsa sistemas a 11 de Março de 2015

Panda Antivirus collapses system at March 11, 2015

Panda Antivirus collapses system at March 11, 2015

Computer loses network after restarting. Problems caused by false positive

Today, after an update, computers that were restarted crashed. A common feature was the fact that they have lost network.

Although some people reported that customer support didn’t give them any information, the company said the problem with software is affecting an unspecified number of machines.

Segundo a representante da empresa, o software terá acusado falso positivo em diversos ficheiros do sistema operativo, inoperalizando o computador depois de ser efectuado um reboot.

According to the company representative, the software accused a false positive in several operating system files, stopping the computer after a reboot was performed.

Some of the affected products were the Panda Cloud Office Protection, Panda Cloud Office Protection Advanced, Panda Antivirus Pro 2015, Panda Internet Security 2015 Panda Global Protection 2015 and Panda Gold Protection.

Faced with complaints who report having hundreds of stopped computers, the company says they are working on a solution. We don’t know how many users are unaware that the problem is affecting their computer.

Francisco Cardoso


ceo @zalox

drummer @urbanaturemusic

