Apostar na segurança melhora o SEO | Foto de Pete Linforth

Betting on security improves SEO

Betting on security improves SEO | Photo by Pete Linforth

Betting on security improves SEO | Photo by Pete Linforth

The Internet has gotten into the routines and seized the way people move through life because they are dependent on this channel to perform all sorts of tasks. The truth is that it has transformed society and created unlimited business potential.


But what do people do on the Internet?

Mostly research. Search is used to find all kinds of content, and here lies the greatest potential for companies that want to increase results through the digital channel – SERP (Results Page to Searches). That is, if people seek out, the potential lies in betting on the technologies to be found.


Pages become part of search results after being indexed and properly catalogued by search engines like Google. But being present is not everything, because the great goal is to reach the first positions of these results pages. This is where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) assumes as the main methodology for reaching the top positions.


SEO, as a concept, has already taken root in the vocabulary of those who seek to improve the results of their business over the internet. The big problem is that most professionals only superficially master the subject. SEO is not just about having “Meta Keywords” properly filled or producing original and regular content, but rather a complex methodology that requires a great attention to detail so that you can get as many reputation points as possible.


It is with this level of detail that we move to a less superficial layer of SEO that works passively, security. In this scope, learn the points that can no longer be ignored if you don’t want your website to become invisible to the World.


Update your website

Most websites are based on a Content Management System (CMS), a tool that allows you to manage content and optimize your site pages according to some SEO rules. These systems have to be constantly updated, otherwise, they will become vulnerable to intruders. A website can be modified by injection, damaging the optimizations made, something that could cause traffic loss.


Another consequence is to become incompatible with modern browsers (software for page viewing), in which the most used are Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Edge or Safari.


In addition to the points presented, it is also very important that you invest in updating third-party plugins and make sure they are reliable. There are plugins that cause slow page load, another factor that Google takes into consideration when assigning the rank to your site. These plugins may also be compromised, in which case an open door for an intrusion. There have been cases in which the attackers have altered the payment system account and channelled part of the sales value into their accounts.


Keep your site on an up-to-date and secure server

In terms of hosting vulnerability, there are several concerns. Defacing is one of the attack typologies that may arise, a technique used by hackers that consists of the hacker gaining access to the space where the site is, an access that allows him to change the website files. This technique is used to swap your site for a fake page, or to take advantage of the traffic you receive from Google and direct it to advertising. In most of these cases, Google places the sites on Blacklist, removing them from search results or adding a message that alerts the user that the site is compromised. Another penalty is Google Chrome. People attempting to access your site will find a warning message that your site is infected and that it will not be a good idea to sign in.


Secure connection (HTTPS)

The acronym HTTP is already part of our everyday knowledge, although there is a problem characteristic of the communications of this protocol. Communication via HTTP is not encrypted, which allows third parties to “see” your communication with the site in question. On the other hand, in the communication via HTTPS it is not possible to “see” the content of the communications in such a linear way since the communication between you and the site you visit is encapsulated by a layer of security.


In recent years, Google has benefited sites that use the secure protocol (HTTPS) when they are in the same reputation conditions as other sites that are still bound to the HTTP protocol. The big proof that this subject is of great relevance to Google is that the technology giant is trying to make HTTPS the Internet standard. The company announced that it will take advantage of the release of version 68 of Google Chrome in July 2018, to alert anyone who tries to visit an HTTP site. In addition to HTTP sites already being penalized in terms of positioning the search results, users will be discouraged from visiting sites that do not have HTTPS.


Times have changed and, with that, also technological requirements. Betting on digital is embracing a valid path that brings results. Of course, you can not bet on the mere presence and expect great results. Have your website and servers properly updated. Seek the support of a specialist to guide you in the best way so that you get the best results.

Francisco Cardoso


ceo @zalox

drummer @urbanaturemusic

