Human Scrum 2.0: When Methodologies Meet People

Human Scrum 2.0: When Methodologies Meet People

Managing teams is one of the most complex task in a business organization. It’s not just about distributing tasks and meeting deadlines; it’s necessary to set a product delivery pace that keeps the team focused and motivated. However, a methodology centered solely on delivering various tasks does not aid in day-to-day management, especially concerning the prioritization of tasks.

Even when using Agile methodologies, particularly in the IT sector, the role of the Product Owner remains imperative. Their main goal is to manage and assign tasks at the right time, ensuring that time blocks of tasks, also known as Sprints, are completed. But this management can be hectic, requiring a constant struggle to keep the “train on the rails”. This role extends beyond the mechanics of ensuring task feasibility because we are working with human beings.

People’s reactions to tasks can vary, and the Product Owner acts as the skipper of the sailboat, ensuring that the team’s order is not unbalanced by individual deviations. It is a responsibility that demands not only technical skills but also high emotional intelligence to manage conflicts, promote cooperation, and keep the team connected.



The Challenge of Human Management in Agile Methodologies


Implementing Agile methodologies, like Scrum, has been widely adopted to increase efficiency and flexibility in project development. However, these methodologies, when applied without considering the human element, may fail to reach their full potential. The pressure to meet Sprints and deliver quick results can lead to team burnout and a decrease in the quality of work.

This is where the concept of Human Scrum 2.0 comes into play. It is an evolution of traditional methodologies, where the focus is not only on processes and tools but also on the people who are part of the team. The goal is to create an environment where methodology and human management go hand in hand, harnessing the best of both worlds.



Building a Cohesive and Motivated Team


With an extreme organizational stance, coupled with a human approach to people management, it’s possible to achieve more: ensure that the team’s stability is permanent. The secret of victory in an endurance race, like the 24 Heures du Mans, lies in consistency, in achieving results regularly and uniformly. It’s no use having only the fastest driver.

To achieve this, the Product Owner should pay attention to the following points:


1 – Team Unity

Team unity is fundamental to create the appropriate closeness in relationships. Well-being and knowing that the rest of the team is on our side is an essential step to ensure that any frustration will be shared. When one member suffers, the team suffers, and poor results emerge. A well-tuned team will regulate problems on its own.

  • How to promote unity? Organize team-building activities, encourage open and transparent communication, and recognize individual and collective efforts.
  • Benefits: Increases trust among members, improves collaboration, and reduces the negative impact of potential conflicts.

2 – Sharing

Cooperation and sharing are fundamental in this method. Human interaction promotes everyone’s involvement, even at different paces. It’s important to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable contributing ideas and knowledge.

  • How to encourage sharing? Implement regular brainstorming meetings, use collaborative tools, and create opportunities for quick and informal idea exchanges.
  • Benefits: Stimulates innovation, improves problem-solving, and increases the sense of belonging to the team.

3 – Conflict Resolution

It’s important to give voice to those involved in the process. This action will help increase self-esteem and dedication, as well as bring new perspectives to the project that can accelerate production and enhance quality. The Product Owner should act as a facilitator in this process.

  • How to manage conflicts? Promote an environment of mutual respect, address problems immediately and directly, and use mediation techniques when necessary. Valuing problems now is anticipating future antibodies.
  • Benefits: Prevents the escalation of tensions, maintains team harmony, and ensures that projects progress without hindrances. Likewise, it values and encourages proactivity.

4 –  Adaptability and Continuous Improvement

This point is important as a characteristic of development services but equally applies to individuals. The organization must be attentive and promote each person’s growth. Knowledge is today’s most precious asset. These assets cannot be lost in any way. It’s necessary to integrate first and then stimulate.

  • How to promote adaptability? Offer training opportunities, encourage learning new techniques, and promote personal development projects.
  • Benefits: Keeps the team updated with the latest trends, increases flexibility in the face of changes, and enhances the capacity for innovation.



Implementing Human Scrum 2.0


Implementing this approach requires a mindset shift from both management and team members. It’s not about abandoning existing methodologies but enriching them with a deeper understanding of human dynamics.

  • Effective Communication: Establishing clear and efficient communication channels is essential. Timely meetings, in addition to weekly ones, can be used not only to discuss task progress but also to assess the team’s morale.
  • Continuous Feedback: Feedback should be a two-way street. While managers provide feedback to team members, they should also feel comfortable expressing their opinions and suggestions.
  • Individual Recognition: Recognizing individual effort contributes to motivation and job satisfaction. Small gestures of recognition can have a significant impact on team morale.



Practical Results Achieved


Adopting Human Scrum 2.0 can bring numerous practical benefits:

  • Increased Productivity: Motivated and cohesive teams tend to be more productive, delivering results more consistently.
  • Improved Product Quality: When the team is aligned and committed, the quality of work increases, reflecting in a superior final product.
  • Talent Retention: A positive and stimulating work environment contributes to employee satisfaction, reducing turnover.
  • Efficient Problem Solving: Teams that communicate well and share knowledge are more effective in identifying and solving challenges.


The central idea will always be to foster a culture of closeness, something that will guarantee high performance. With this approach, the Product Backlog will remain clean and intact, allowing for precise feedback efficiency to stakeholders.

Human Scrum 2.0 represents a natural evolution of Agile methodologies, recognizing that at the heart of any project are people. By balancing structured processes with effective human management, organizations can achieve higher levels of performance and innovation.

Ultimately, when methodologies meet people harmoniously, an environment conducive to success is created. Investing in the human element is not only an ethical strategy but also an intelligent decision that brings significant returns to the business.



Francisco Cardoso


ceo @zalox

drummer @urbanaturemusic

